Review in eye-share Workflow!

Review in eye-share Workflow!



Online via Microsoft Teams


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In eye-share workflow context, users with access rights to review documents, can observe one or more documents, where these are not part of the approval process itself. The user has the opportunity to see the content of the documents and confirm that inspection of the document has been performed. Access does not affect existing approval flows, but it can be defined that missing performed access will prevent the transfer of the document to your ERP system. Access to review is only granted to users who have the right accesses and the right approval rule associated with it.

Do you want to learn a little bit more about the functinality of reviews in eye-share Workflow?
Join our online meeting and stay curious and up to date!

Language english. Duration 30 minutes

Target group
The online meeting is useful for both new and existing users.

The registration is closed!


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