Developing Tomorrow's Leaders!

Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders!

Årets Management Trainee team: Rebecca Skibeli Larsen, Jørgen Skadsem. Jesper Weibull og Håkon Blix Nordlid. Torhill Falnes mentor

At Eye-share, we invest time in the future careers of our talents. That’s why we’ve developed a unique Management Trainee program.

Our goal is to help individuals grow both professionally and personally, motivating them for future leadership roles within Eye-share. This ensures they contribute to the company’s ongoing success.

Our CEO, Torhill Falnes, oversees the program. With her extensive leadership experience across various companies, she brings invaluable insights to the table.

“It’s a pleasure to guide these ambitious talents,” says Falnes. “Being a mentor is both motivating and inspiring. While I impact knowledge, the younger generation also has a lot to teach me. We exchange fresh perspectives and ideas, ensuring we all learn from each other. Perhaps this even keeps me young and relevant,” Falnes adds with a laugh.

“Participating in a Management Trainee program like this can be incredibly valuable experience for several reasons,” Falnes points out, highlighting the following benefits:

Professional Development

An opportunity to develop essential leadership skills early in one’s career, such as decision-making, communication, problem-solving, and teamwork.


Access to experienced mentors or other guides who can offer valuable advice and guidance, potentially accelerating career growth.

Broader Understanding

Through various rotations or sessions, participants gain insights into different parts of the company. This also provides them with a comprehensive understanding of the business and its operations. Equally important is understanding a leader’s responsibilities and how they balance the desires and demands of owners, customer, and employees.


The chance to build strong professional networks, both among participants and established professionals within the company.

Career Opportunities

Participants in such a program may have a priority when it comes to filling leadership positions in the company after completing the program.

Innovation and Creativity

The program can inspire innovation and creative thinking, as participants are often encouraged to challenge existing processes and suggest improvements.

This year’s Management Trainee group at Eye-share has an exciting autumn ahead. We look forward to hearing more about the value the program has brought to them.


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