Eye-share AS | Opens office in Singapore

Eye-share opens office in Singapore

The software company Eye-share AS, which develops and delivers intelligent automation software for the purchase-to-pay process, will soon establish a new office in Singapore. Eye-share currently has offices in Stavanger and Oslo.

Press release February 23th 2022

Eye-share’s solutions has an amazing potential for further internationalization. The establishment in Singapore is part of our growth strategy, and will help us support existing customers and build new business connections in a growing market in Asia!

Kenneth Sætre, Sales Director in Eye-share

-The new office will strengthen our business in a region where we already have several established customers. Singapore has been named one of the world’s leading countries in shipping, an industry where many of our existing customers are located, says Kenneth Sætre, Sales Director in Eye-share. The Singapore office will be a hub for potential new customers in Asia, and will give us proximity to existing customers with the opportunity to provide even better service, and assist with both expertise and services locally, says Sætre.

– Eye-share has had a significant growth since its started in 2001, and rounded 151 MNOK in turnover recently and has over 100 employees in Norway. Singapore’s well-developed economy, proximity to new markets and good recruitment opportunities make the country an excellent place to grow further, says Sætre.

-We have plans to open the new office during the fourth quarter of 2022. Until then, there will be full focus on establishing the physical office and recruiting skilled employees. We already have our own resources from Stavanger, Norway, who will live in Singapore over a period of time, to contribute with both establishment, recruitment and onboarding, to ensure a good operational start, says Sætre.


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