Now and next - News from our Product Suite

Now and next – News from our Product Suite

We continuously work to develop and deliver the best versions of our products. In this article, you get an overview of what’s new in functionality and modules, with the main emphasis on eye-share Workflow, and what you can look forward to in 2023.

eye-share Product Suite

Our Product Suite consists of intelligent solutions that transform manual routines to digital, automated workflows. We have three main products that are included in the Product Suite:

eye-share Workflow

With eye-share Workflow, you automate the entire process from Purchase- to- Pay. You get full overview and control of your purchases, supplier invoices and agreements. The product consists of several modules that you can assemble and scale as needed. eye-share Workflow’s four product groups are: Purchase, Invoice, Document and Travel invoice.

eye-share Capture

eye-share Capture is an interpretation tool (OCR) for digitizing documents, such as paper invoices and PDFs. The product can capture, extract and automate data from your documents. This way, you get rid of manual processes and time-consuming tasks, and thus it becomes a more accurate and automated process.

eye-share Portal

eye-share Portal is a cloud-based solution for businesses that have limited or no opportunity to communicate between businesses electronically. The portal connects the customer’s business systems with the supplier’s, so that both parties can use the data to automate processes and systems in their own organizations. As a supplier, you can then send and receive orders fully electronically in your own ERP system.

Now – New development and focus areas in 2022

2022 has been a rich year in which we have developed and implemented several small and large changes. Some of the changes are visible to everyone, while some are under the hood. Throughout the year we have had three focus areas:

  • Purchase – To- Pay
  • Artificial intelligence
  • User experience

News in eye-share Workflow

  • Approval of purchases on the mobile platform
  • Possible to add an approval template directly to the approval setup on the invoice
  • Automatic posting using item lines from the invoice as part of the basis for finding the correct posting
  • Option to have additional costs set automatically for purchase invoices, based on setup in the article register
  • Automatic linking of invoices to customs declarations
  • Support for performing advanced request for quotation in purchasing module
  • Improvements in goods receipt functionality, including support for comments and attachments
  • Improved reporting module and some new reports

This is not a complete list of updates, new development and changes in eye-share Workflow, but it gives you an idea of what we have been working on this year.

Purchase-to-Pay – The Purchase module

The purchasing module has received a lot of love from us in 2022, and is an important investment area in Eye-share. The solution contains catalogue management, advanced search functionality, and efficient workflow. You get a separate online store for your employees, and it is easy to import product catalogues from your suppliers.

We have worked a lot on making the solution even more user friendly. The goal is for it to be as easy to use as buying something from an online store you use privately. It is important to us that no training or user manual should be required for you to use this solution.

We have put in place a good items catalogue which is supported by Peppol BIS and Excel Import. The catalogue supports approval flow for those companies that have stricter guidelines for which products or services are to be made available.

There has also been built in support for punchout and quotation requests. Punchout is super easy to set up, and it is possible for you to do it yourself. When it comes to request for quotations, you can practically run mini competitions, collect prices from various suppliers and choose the best offer. Either based on the best combination of price and delivery date, or generally from the supplier that has the best total. It is flexible and simple, with the possibility of logging and traceability of what has been carried out.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence is an important strategy we use in Eye-share to meet our customer’s needs in an intuitive way.

In 2021 we released a brand new feature using AI. With the use of AI we were able to make posting automatically in the invoice, without any setup or rules in advance. This was a success, but not for all customers. It was a well-known disadvantage that we did not use the existing invoice lines, only historical data.

This year we have launched a new and better solution where we use the lines in the invoice in combination with the historical data to automate posting.

Our goal is to get automated, correctly posted invoices, without the use of outdated templates and manual posting.

User experience

Universal design has been an important task for us in 2022. Universal design is based on the idea that the product should be accessible to everyone, regardless of functional ability.

This year we have updated our application according to the WCAG-standard. WCAG is an international standard that stands for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, and are guidelines for how digital content should be made more accessible to people with poor vision or limited mobility. The guidelines are also about making it possible to perceive, operate and understand the solution.

We have changed the interface in our application, and built in contrasts, magnification options, and even better keyboard use. It should also be easier to navigate the product. With these changes, this will be a better solution for everyone.

We are also following this standard on the mobile platform.

The Report module

The Report module in eye-share Workflow, gives you insights and an overview of your costs, suppliers and payments. The module provides you with a number of predefined reports for following up the invoice approvals.

This year we added several new reports to the Report module. Some reports have a graphical presentation, while others are all about making data available. We have also created a package of ready-made reports in Power BI, which you can build on further.

News in eye-share Capture

From 2023 new versions of eye-share Capture will only be delivered as a cloud-based solution, and we are currently working on getting our customers into the cloud. We use Microsoft Azure as our platform, and as of now, eye-share is installed in Azure in Norway, the Netherlands and Singapore.

News in eye-share Portal

In 2022, we launched a new module in eye-share Portal, which is Import Control. In this module, you give the work back to the vendors. The module sets requirements for the content of the invoice, and will automatically send the invoice back to the vendor if the invoice contains errors or missing information. Then, your vendor will have the opportunity to correct the invoice before it is imported intro eye-share Workflow.

next – Coming in 2023

Next year we can expect even more automation and more changes in design.

We will continue to focus on Purchase- to- Pay, artificial intelligence and user experience. In addition, we know that laws and regulations changes frequently, thus it is important for us to stay up to date with GDPR, security principles and revision standards.

You get the opportunity to give external access to your invoices

From February 2023, it will be possible to provide external access to invoices in eye-share Workflow, via eye-share Portal. The external user will be using eye-share Portal to log in and access the invoices you have filtered out and made available. In this way, you as a customer have a safe way to provide additional insight and information, without having to onboard external users.

It is no secret that we are proud of our detailed logging capabilities in eye-share Workflow. There has been a blind spot, and that is the ability to track who has access to a particular document. This possibility will be part of the next launch in February.. Users with higher privileges will then be able to inspect the access list for specific document, and it will be logged if an email has been sent with an attachment from the invoice.

Eye-share Community

Early next year, we are releasing a brand new concept: Eye-share Community. As a member of our community, you will get access to the latest news first, discuss products with other users, ask questions, and contribute with inputs and ideas. More information about this soon.

Brief overview of what you can expect in the various products in 2023

      eye-share Workflow

  • User audit
  • Document view log
  • New features in the Purchase module
  • More automation
  • Better reporting

      eye-share Capture

  • Better line interpretation
  • Smart patterns
  • Design changes

        eye-share Portal

  • Support for line interpretation
  • External access to invoices
  • Request for quotation

We look forward to a new year filled with exciting plans. If you would like a more detailed overview of the latest news in the various eye-share products, we recommend you to check out the highlights from this year’s eye-share User Conference on our webinar channel. You can also find them here.


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