Where can you find latest Release Notes?

Where can you find latest Release Notes?

Did you know that you can always find the latest Release Notes in our Customer Portal ServiceNow?

Tips & Tricks | Customer Portal ServiceNow
Whenever we make small or large changes or adjustments to our software, we post a short description of the update in our Customer Portal ServiceNow. This is called “Release Notes”. We will post this as soon as a new version is ready for use.

Where do you find it?


  • Select Subscribe if you want to receive an email notification each time a new release article is posted

Filtering Release Notes

  • You can filter Release Notes on categories like; Main product, year, version
  • You can also filter on tag, like; module or main area of the solution

In the picture above you can see parts of the result after selecting Category = Workflow and 2023 and Tag = Purchase.


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