XXL chose Eye-share

XXL chose Eye-share

The Nordic region’s largest sports chain, XXL Villmark og Sport, has signed a contract with Eye-share for the implementation of intelligent software for invoice processing

Press release January 7th, 2022

The group has more than 5,000 enthusiastic employees in its 92 department stores in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Austria. XXL also has the Nordic region’s largest online sports store. The company’s vision is to become the preferred destination for sports and outdoor life in Europe.

We were looking for a smart and user-friendly solution that can automate all levels of our invoice handling, and which can grow with us into the future, says Accounting Manager Karete Kvisle in XXL.

– We chose eye-share to further automate all levels of our invoice management. It will also contribute to even better financial management in XXL, says accounting manager Karete Kvisle. We have been looking at the eye-share solution for a while, and have chosen what we consider to be the best technology for XXL, from what is available on the market now. That the solution also offers extended functionality beyond automated invoice flow is a big plus for us, says Kvisle. With the additional general ledger module, we see great potential for efficiency in XXL, she says.

– In addition, the solution offers simple user administration and a modern user interface, which are important factors for our end users. The fact that Eye-share offers support in Norway was also important for the choice of supplier, says Kvisle. Now we are just looking forward to getting started with a new solution that will contribute to even better financial management XXL, says the chief accountant satisfied.

With eye-share Workflow and eye-share Capture integrated with the ERP system AX 2012, XXL will automate and simplify the entire process from receiving and interpreting to verification of over 130,000 incoming invoices annually. The automation will mean cost savings for the company, better control and less manual work for the accounting department in the future.

-For Eye-share, XXL is a very exciting customer that it was really cool to get as a Christmas present, says senior advisor Tomas Hegre. There are always many who want to work with large and high-profile companies such as XXL, and when our solution is chosen, we take it as a sign of quality. It has been a nice and exciting process with a good dialogue with XXL all the way, says Hegre. We now look forward to helping them gain even better control and speed in the invoicing process with our intelligent software. 2022 will be a very exciting year for both parties, Hegre concludes enthusiastically.

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