Eye-share aims for 200 million in turnover!

Eye-share aims for 200 million in turnover!

Picture of Sales Director Jan Erik Gausdal, CEO Torhill Falnes, Director of dep. Oslo Dina Drehn and Regional Manager in Asia Tim Polson sitting on a bench.

With ambition and optimism, software company Eye-share enters the second half of 2023, eager for continued growth and success in an ever-changing business landscape.

With a projected turnover of NOK 188 million for 2023, they are now aiming for 200 million, an ambitious milestone that would represent impressive success for the company.

“Reaching 200 million would be fantastic”, says CEO Torhill Falnes with enthusiasm. She adds that it’s an ambitious goal. “But if we aren’t ambitious and aim high, we certainly won’t achieve it”, says Falnes with a smile.

Mid-year results 2023

Eye-share has already shown solid growth so far in 2023, with a turnover of a whopping 115 million for the first half. This is an increase of nearly 20% compared to the previous year.

“We are really pleased with this, and it exceeds our expectations”, says Falnes. She notes that even though the third quarter often witnesses a dip due to the summer break, the 200 million target is still within reach.


Falnes also highlights the company’s significant focus on Asia, with the investment in a new office in Singapore in 2022. “Of course, it will take time to build growth and revenue, but we are following the plan and building expertise and new relationships day by day”. Falnes is confident that the Singapore office will contribute to Eye-share’s growth from 2024 onwards.

She also shares her excitement about the recent visit of the entire Singapore team to Stavanger, which was a crucial investment to build expertise and strengthen relationships and collaboration across boarders.

“The market in Asia, especially in Singapore, is growing significantly, and the major companies share the same desire as our Norwegian customers. They want more automation and better cost control in the invoicing process”, says Falnes. She adds that Norwegian software is very welcome in Asia.

Norway remains a crucial market for Eye-share

While Eye-share is also exploring new markets, like Finland, Falnes emphasizes that the Norwegian market remains very important to the company. “Customer-driven product development is as vital as ever”, she says. “Our focus remains on collaborating with our loyal customers and partners in Norway, to develop even smarter and more efficient solutions”.

The future of invoice processing with AI

“We see that implemented AI functionality in our products provides strong support and value to our customers. This is a crucial focus area for Eye-share”, Falnes asserts. She adds that the company is working on several exciting AI projects to adapt the eye-share platform to the continuous needs for the customers. “We aim to take an even stronger market position in this area, and that means we need a few aces up our sleeve,” says Falnes with a twinkle in her eye. Concluding her thoughts, she looks ahead with zest and optimism to a challenging yet promising autumn, holding a vision of an impressive end-year financial performance for 2023.


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